- The international standard with local flavor
- Serving Healthcare Community since 2001.
- Best in class medical company in its domain
- Affiliated with group of companies in Syria , Lebanon , Iraq ,and UAE
- Wide Range of Business Partners Network
- Committed to growth
- Polymer & Carrier Free.
- Freedom To Treat.
- BioFreedom is the only active stent with 1 month DAPT that has demonstrated superior outcomes to BMS.
- With LEADERS FREE, BioFreedom becomes the standard of care for High Bleeding Risk (HBR) patients.
- Combining reliability & effectiveness.
- Adequate behavior even in distal & tortuous anatomy.
- Aneurysm exclusion & vessel wall reconstruction.
- Precise & controlled deployment.
- Implants
- Instruments
- Technical Specialists
- Hydrocephalus Treatment.
- The first MRI stable adjustable valve. Combines a magnetic rotor and a magnetic lock.
- Designed to deliver soft, stable loops of hydrogel at the aneurysm neck.
- Hydrogel provides a stable, bio-inert scaffolding to facilitate neointima formation across the neck.
Highly durable bi-directional nitinol stent with a pin pull delivery system for easy deployment and precise placement.

News & Events

Location: Singapore.
Date: January.